

reetings from AgAtHa SaNdI DuBlIn.
I'm Sarawakian and living in Miri..ToWn Of OiL. I'm studying Information Technology , at the UnIvErSiTy of UtArA MaLaYsIa, KeDaH. I was born in MiRi, SaRaWaK.

My ScHoOl BaCkGrOuNd???!!
I went to a SBPL school in LaBuAn, 1986-1990. It's a boarding school. After that, I went to Institut Teknologi Mara (ITM), in ShAh AlAm. Life was fun with Ummi, Aishah, Aida, A'A, A-Sue, Elin, Miza and 'bampak' Lee-Lee. Most of them are working and married... Me?.. he..he..he.. still single.. I miss those good old days.

My InTeReSt??!!
I enjoy music very much. I prefer Balad songs and my idol singer is CeLiNe DiOn. I like jog too.. Jogging is good for your health. Besides it's an easy and relaxing exercise...

Wookey!... I hope you enjoy surfing on my web pages.

I AlSo HaVe ThEsE FoR YoU...PlEaSe HeLp yOuRsElF....


UtUsAn and ThE StAr
Wanna know what's happening lately... Uptodate yourself...
Check this one out... baca jangan tak baca...

FlOwEr ReQuEsT
Thinking of someone else???... Try to impressed HIM/HER with this... I'm sure they would love it and love you too (hopefully)... besides it's cute to do so you know...

Manchester United F.C.
Hm... Me myself at first do not really sure why I put this here... but for one thing I'm pretty sure now is that, this is for someone that I really care... Any way, for those who are really a great fan of MANCHESTER too ....
check this out guys...

NeEd SoMeThInG???
HEI!! This is really useful for those who are really don't know what to do... feel free to find whatever you want... gerenti dapat punya except ME (you cannot find me here lah)....

Tulis ler apa-apa yang patut kay???.... Thanx...

This is the end of the Tour...
CaTcH Me WhIlE YoU STiLl CaN
ClIcK HeRe To E-mAiL Me

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